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Tanoa - deep oblong bowl pointed at each end and supported on four tapering legs. Staining on the inside of this bowl indicates it has been used for yaqona, though the shape is a departure from the norm. It may also have been used for food or coconut oil.

Tanoa ni yaqona (Dave ni yaqona)
Deep round bowl on four cylindrical legs. Staining on the inside of this bowl indicates it has been used for yaqona, and is a much admired feature. A triangular lug, mata ni tanoa, is always a part of the bowl. A sinnet fibre cord, magimagi, passed through a hole in this lug, and present here, is used to hang the bowl while not in use or, for ceremonial purposes a long cord, wa ni tanoa, with white cowrie shells, buli leka, points from the lug to the ranking participant or honoured guest in the yaqona ceremony.

Yaqona (Kava)
Кава — безалкогольный, но наркотический напиток из корня дикого перца у народов Океании, вызывающий эйфорию, принимается по строго определенному ритуалу.

Yaqona (лат. Piper methysticum, piper - Latin for "pepper", methysticum - Greek for "intoxicating") is a cousin of the pepper plant. Usually it is harvested every three years, but more potent forms are harvested between eight and twelve years. The root and stem are washed and dried thoroughly, then pounded into a powder to be mixed with water and filtered through a silk cloth. Before the introduction of silk special reeds were used.

Yaqona is a central part of Fijian ceremonies from formal presentations to time with friends and family. It has been part of Fijian culture for many centuries. Whereas Yaqona was once only for use by priests (Bete), chiefs and elders, it is now consumed by all of Fijian society. The following outlines a Yaqona ceremony in the Bauan manner (Bau: a prominent Island and Village of the Kubuna Confederacy in the province of Tailevu it's dialect is prominent throughout the group).

Yaqona is consumed seated on a rectangular shaped mat made of Pandanus leaves and there is a Tanoa (wooden or clay mixing bowl) at one end of the Mat with the front area which has Magimagi (coconut fiber rope) and cowry shells attached to the Magimagi, the rope is stretched out toward the chief, next to the chief will be his spokesman and other senior men of varying rank and age; then behind the Tanoa will generally be 3 people one mixing and two to serve and gather water when needed.

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Фиджи, 1 цент, 1990-2003